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County Commissioners Discuss Roof Repairs for Several Buildings

A major talking point during the Hale County Commissioners’ latest meeting was repairs needing to made to the roofs of the County Jail, the courthouse, Annex 3 and Justice of Peace.

The Commissioners discussed a few roofing companies and their quotes to repair some of the county-owned buildings during a regular meeting this week. Laduke Roofing and Construction came out as the frontrunner to be awarded the projects based on the discussion. The company put in quotes for all of the buildings in question.

The other two companies were not mentioned by name during the meeting but one was said to have just put a quote on just one building while the other was late to come back with quotes for any of the buildings. The latter company actually called Commissioner Jimmy Kelly during the meeting to discuss the quotes but was “too late,” according to Kelly.

Commissioner Harold King detailed Laduke’s quotes for each of the roofing projects. The quote for the courthouse was $30,348.86 and the quote was $54,673.12 for the jail. The county was quoted $85,000 for the repairs to Annex 3 and a combination of other county-owned buildings.

Repairs for the jail, courthouse and JP are all covered through insurance, according to King and later confirmed by Hale County Judge David Mull. Annex 3 was not covered by insurance, according to King. Laduke came out to look at the roof and determined that the condition was, “not that bad, but there were some bad spots and they felt it was better to just recoat the entire building,” according to King.

After discussing the quotes, the commissioners moved to vote to approve Laduke to take on all of the mentioned roofing projects. Before a final vote could be taken, though, Commissioner Vickie Milner interjected asking that the Commissioners approve only one project to start.

“Can we do one at a time and see how they do because they’re new to town and we haven’t gotten to review their work yet,” Milner questioned.

Mull along with the other Commissioners seemed to be in agreement to allow Laduke to work on the projects on a trial basis starting with the jail which was said to be in the worst condition out of the three projects. The commissioners eventually approved LaDuke for all three projects, but with the notion of evaluating their work on the jail before proceeding forward with the other projects.

The Hale County Commissioners also approved the following during their Monday meeting.

Source : My Pain View
